
Monday, May 2, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Today I took my first trip to the shooting range since I destroyed my trigger finger in December.  I decided to try out sharp shooters in Roswell.  It is a new range that opened up and I wanted to check it out.  Today was Navy SEAL appreciation day and everyone got a Bin Laden zombie target with a lane rental.  I thought that was pretty cool.  What was not cool was my shooting. It was far from SEAL like, and little more like a drunk monkey with a pistol.   I still have very limited movement of my trigger finger and I will use that as my excuse for my poor performance. I was also a bit out of practice but my ego finds it much easier to blame it on my injury.  I shot my Glock 19 that sports a custom grip reduction and stipple job.

I have hands like and elf and the slight reduction makes it much easier to hold.  The stippling ads a very aggressive texture to the grip.  Below you can see where Don Garmin ( the guy who did my stipple job) put my initials in dot dash morris code.

Any who, it was a good time and I need to get my butt out there more often now so I can learn to shoot again.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I love your humor and now everyone else can enjoy it too! Love you!
