
About Me

This is my first personal blog.  I have a blog on my business web site but that is about business.  This is about me, not to say that I am not going to shamelessly plug my business on here.  I am doing this at the encouragement of my wife and a few friends and as a way to put my thoughts on things out there for those who care to read them.  Since this is the "about me" page I will attempt to describe myself for those that do not know me.  My initial instinct is to start by saying what I do for a living, but that does not define me.  I could go on and say what I do for fun, but that kind of mixes with my job and we are back to square one.  So, I will start with this. I am a happily married man of 30 years old.

We have been married for 5 years and together for almost 10. I am a follower of Christ. I work with our high school ministry and I have a group of freshmen guys that are causing me to age rapidly.  I love to joke, and as this blog progresses I hope you see my odd sense of humor. As you might guess by the title of my blog I like dogs.  We have 3 and I make my living training dogs.  We also have a cat and I do not train her
 In a prior life I was a police officer. I say prior life because I left 2 years ago and it feels like a lifetime has passed since I hung it up.  I would consider myself a "gun guy".  I love to shoot, I have been into guns since I could remember.  My Dad taught me to shoot when I was a child and collecting, tinkering with, and shooting guns is one of my favorite hobbies.  I also enjoy running (sort of) and I have spent a fair amount of time on a bike.  That is pretty much me.  I hope you enjoy my ramblings on this blog and feel free to comment.  However, if you want to critique my grammar please exit immediately and do not return.